Tuesday, September 10, 2019

 We went on a trip this summer to watch our daughter get married in France.  It was so lovely and my heart is full of happy wedding memories.  It has been a while since we have been to Europe and though I was very excited to return I felt more nervous to travel than I ever have.  There wasn't a reason in particular just overall jitters at disrupting my daily routines at home that my mind conveniently mistakes routine for comfort.  Yes, I like routines but it is a very nice thing to step away from them for a time, and equally to return to them with vigor and appreciation. But why is it so hard to convince oneself of this before the trip?
We decided a trip to France could also include some traveling to places we wanted to bring our younger three kids to, as their older siblings have many memories of living overseas and these little guys have really only experienced New England. It was a lot of traveling and driving and walking and flying.  But there was so much to see!


Elizabeth said...

Oh, it's been forever since you posted!! I've been thinking about you, wondering how you were. I hope you are well. Did your daughter marry a Frenchmen? Will she be living in France? Her dress is so very beautiful.

kate said...

Thank you for your sweet comment, Elizabeth. She married a boy that grew up in Belgium but for now they will live in the US.
You gave me inspiration to do another post so thanks for that!

Elizabeth said...

Oh, I live in Belgium :) !! It's a very very good place to live, but I am happy for you they chose to live in the States.
And I am Dutch, I remember reading your family once lived in the Netherlands :).
Much love from Europe!