It is almost as though the apprehension of the heat has fired up something within me. Dragging my children all over, we won't waste a summer day! I finally realized two days ago that it was very hot. I kind of forgot to complain about the heat, but I think there is still time as it's only mid-August.
We went into the city on the train. It has been a very long time since we walked around nyc. Our three youngest had never been, I think they were shocked at the amount of people there and truthfully so was I. So many crowds, so many smells (bad lol) and our youngest came so close to stepping in a giant poo on the sidewalk. Oye. I was watching him in slow motion and did a running grab to sweep him off his feet. Three cheers for mom! It was all a little overwhelming, I have streamlined my family life so much, it is efficient and organized and chop chop we get where we need to go. The city was too chaotic, I felt tired of it. So yes, I guess I will toss my dreams of being a stock broker or a dancer in the NY Ballet. Kind of like the board game Life...I will retire to the country now, plz.
I guess I am trying to procrastinate my children going back to school, the school routines make me a crazy mess. I like having them here {usually}. It's like we just got a good thing going at home...why do we have to mess it up with school? Oh, bother.