When I began writing this blog all those years ago I was reckless with my thoughts and couldn't seem to focus on what to share. I feared sharing too much and yet it felt empty to share too little. I never really did settle on a theme or even a direction and just hit "publish" when I had the time to write or share anything. I'm grateful I did that as those were some busy years for me and to scroll back and read through those days makes me appreciate them, most of those regular days I fear I wouldn't have retained all those bits and pieces about. Since the first post I have shared so much growing....both the physical growth of my children and the growth of me as a person. The latter was unintentional, but to see my family and myself through the eyes of who might be reading my words helped me to stop being so self deprecating. To read your comments on days when I needed a boost was so rewarding. Thank you for that, wherever you are. All those years ago there were five children, now there are six. They were all shorter than me, now only one is. Two are married. And now the sweetest of sweet things: a grandchild. A darling little girl that sends me to the moon with love.