Monday, July 28, 2014

early morning

The sky is gray this early morning and all of nature seems slow to wake.  Even me. 

Some mornings are busy with big breakfast making, but this morning is the kind that calls for a cup of tea and a book.  I have done that already so here I sit at my green desk….

A few months ago my husband brought home a very large old bankers desk that someone had set out for free.  His thought was to have it in the barn as it has a nice workspace top.  It was love at first sight for me and he happily said yes I could paint it and use it.  Actually now that I think on it, did I even ask him?  Maybe it was just an assumption that this lovely man would just give me this lovely desk?  Maybe the sound of my sander was drowning out any protests he might have had? 

Well, anyhow, I have a new green desk.



It took my daughter Maggie and I nearly one whole day to figure out how to get it through the doorway into the sitting room.  We got it stuck and had to climb over it several times.  We broke the outside wooden step on the front of our house.  Actually SHE broke the wooden step as I said 3x “this wood here is weak so DON’T STEP RIGHT HERE”.  But she stepped right there.  Also she continuously told me the desk wouldn’t fit.  But after 6 hours of us flipping the desk every which way and standing with our arms crossed staring at it.  Then crawling over it.  Then taking a lunch break followed by some determination-yelling*, we did it.

Told you so, Mags.

*determination-yelling is when a mother has to tell her teenager to pipe down and do it her way!



UJ said...

And it's a beauty! Nice to know mother and daughter are together Maggie can use the desk to write, "I will not break the step" 100 times (ha).

Unknown said...

Now I want a green desk! I love it and isn't it fun to do projects with determination with your daughter!