Wednesday, June 18, 2008

dream on

Things have been hectic here this week. Instead of showing projects I am working on I will simply write a list of things I wish to do. The house is too clean as it has been shown several times this week. I don't have the drive to haul out my stuff and put it all away. Anyhow this is what I thought about today...

* my husband

*a pretty tiny yellow flowered calico dress for Molly. Something dreamy that would look cute while riding a pony.

*buy a pony

*the beach bag I have cut out but really really want to put together. I cut it out from a pattern in my brain but know it will take several revisions.

* my husband

* trying to seriously organize my fabric stash and get rid of a dozen pounds of it (gasp)

* and yes my husband again.
He planted the hydrangea bush when we moved here and this is the first summer it has bloomed. I would like to say hydrangea's are my favorite but then the morning glories, daisies, and bright red geraniums in terra cotta pots would feel bad. Anyhow I do really love the hydrangea bush, it is so regal yet feminine and dainty.


Little Blue Violet said...

Your hydrangea is lovely. I adore them as well and yet have never planted one!
A penny for each one of your thoughts