Gasp… another day almost slipped by and now all I have is bad lighting to take pictures in.
Today’s photo is “phone”. At first I wished I had a rotary dial wall mount phone that did a real jingly ring, preferably in green. But I don’t so instead I shall tell you how much I am in love with my cell phone.
I love it with endless love.
It’s weird isn’t it?
But I need it like water.
Sleep hasn’t always come easy for me and the phone is my constant midnight companion.
I read books on it, watch instant Netflix, play words with friends…if we’re FB friends let’s play! I keep all my lists and ideas, read blogs, blah blah blah. It’s really more a computer for me rather than phone as I live in the granite state (Live Free or Die!) and cellular service is very stinky but with wifi the possibilities are endless. Like endless love.
It was an appropriate picture when I saw it on the table on top of my breakfast reading of 1974 Early American Life. It’s nice when old meets new in a good way. Not like those old guys that marry 24 year olds, that’s the not so good way.