Monday, February 23, 2009

cute lamp and other stuff

This morning while waiting for our car to have repairwork done I went crazy. I was prepared with a bag of boredom busters for Bubs and I but it just didn't work out that way. Looking back it already makes me laugh but at the time I felt as though I was locked in that little glass waiting room as a punishment. It came down to four things:

1. A very relaxed man with no sense of smell and his boy who filled his pants.

2. A plastic playhouse with working doorbell (Did you hear me? A WORKING doorbell and two little boys? Does DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG mean anything to you?)

3. Bubs who didn't take to the stinky pants boy too well and opted to stand and point to the door and say "car pweese" about 1000 times. Sometimes he said it soft and gentle and others at the top of his lungs.

4. 1970's candy dispensers filled with 1970's bleached out candy that I would never feed my kids if you paid me money and Bubs who thought maybe if he asked just one more time for 2.5 hours I would say yes.
He was so happy to leave that place. But I am certain not as happy as the four other people waiting in there. When we got to the car he hugged me tight like I was the nicest mom in the whole wide world and I hugged him back like he was the nicest Bubs in the whole wide world. It was like our own little version of the show Survivor only it involved dirty tile floors, no prize money and a bill for repair work.
On to thrifting!

This lamp makes me happy, maybe it's because we just installed a woodstove but for some reason it reminds me of my Grandparents and the cute little house they lived in on Cherry Hill road. I like the glow the lampshade gives off in the evening when Ken and I are making out on the couch. ( we have even made out on the couch in the last 20 years.)

These patterns were marked 1940's, I'm not sure if that is right but I love them all the same. I especially like the skating outfits. Oh for the days when a teenage daughter would request a twirly skirt of herringbone plaid with red lining. Recently Maggie tried on all my old prom dresses and bridesmaids gowns. We laughed hysterically. It is funny how the styles change so slowly yet so quickly. Remember when "peach" was all the rage? How about "dusty rose"? My sister was the queen of dusty rose. The way she said it was so regal.

After Maggie was done I brought all those old dresses to the thrift store. I saved them all these years thinking my girls would think they were 80's cool but never imagined the laughter that ensued. Like gag me with a spoon!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Warning: so cute it hurts




While Ken did some paperwork on base Maggie, Sam and I ran into the farm store on a mission of our own. We didn't clear it with the boss, but really who cares?! Even the boss must fall prey to the soft downy cuteness of pure love at first sight. And he did. Mission accomplished.

Friday, February 20, 2009

That's Hot

Even the cat is always cold.

When we found out we were moving to Texas everybody and their neighbor told us how hot it is. And yeah... they were right it's pretty dang hot in the summer. Having zoned in on the heat of summer we never really stopped to give winter much thought. We were raised in New England...home of the drafty old farmhouse, winter in Texas--hah! Bring it on!
Silly, silly us. No one ever mentioned it gets pretty dang cold here as well (Okay you are right, we didn't ask) no one told us the wind howls each and every hour of everyday (my hair is ALWAYS a dang mess). I'm telling you those cowboys of yesterday had to be some tough sons of guns. No one even mentioned how expensive our electric heat bill would be. We could have bought a yacht with what we spent the last three months. Who can I blame? Hmmm, can you detect my bitterness because I know we are only to blame ourselves. Us. The silly, silly New Englanders who cried like little girls because they were so flippin cold during our first Texas winter. So we decided to put an end to the madness and bought this:

Isn't she hot? I am ten degrees warmer just looking at her. She is my BWFF. (best woodstove friend forever). I can't wait to get our next electric bill and write "ha-ha you bleepin bleepity bleep rip-off bleeps" with a smiley face. I reckon just thinkin about that just makes me so danged happy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

it's the little things

This month has been crazy. Things seem to exponentially get busier and busier. I seems to always be doing stuff but at the same time never get anything done. I know I am not alone in this. Luckily my spirits are up and can roll along without too many grumpy woes. Ken has some big stuff around the corner at work but for now we take one day at a time and in the meantime I will take my post as wife and mother with genuine love and appreciation. Most certainly I have been taking note of the little things. I hope never to be too busy to laugh at them. These things that will change as my children grow and pursue their independence. Will I forget about this stuff?

Like no matter how many pens I buy and place neatly in the pretty designated cup much like a bouquet of flowers, I can only find a playdough pen to write out a check for the guys doing some bulldozing on the back lot.

I found this styrofoam tab from one of Sam's building kits. The bite mark is much smaller than Sam's preteen chompers but somebody couldn't resist giving it a try. Somebody that probably doesn't know what "inedible" means.

And this little binky was delicately tweezed out of Henry's right nostril last month. As I was changing him I noticed a faint shade of pink way up his nose. I wasn't worried and thought it was perhaps from a sore runny nose. To condense an hour long story of different tactics that ended with tweezers and me sitting on him I was beyond surprised to pull this out. I shall not forget this one, it is already taped into his baby book.

It is a rare day when things actually go as planned. I couldn't imagine a better life. To watch this brood of growing kids find their footing. I would never advise anyone as to if they should have children, I just know for me personally it is beyond the greatest fun to ever be imagined.

We had fun on Friday. Lots of squadron spirit with obnoxious yelling and whoo whoo whooping it up. Though truthfully I didn't whoo whoo whoop too much but I did play a mean cow bell. Ken looks so handsome...underneath that uniform he is wearing those wacky sock suspenders that keep your shirt tucked tight. They are the ultimate in geek sexy accessories. Too bad I couldn't sneak a picture. Yeah not too bad for my marriage as just telling you will bring me a grunt and possible eye roll.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday Morning Confessional

The day started out perfectly well. The sunrise was beautiful which gave my early morning barn chores an almost romantic feeling of delight. For the most part I love feeding the animals but some days when you combine feeding the animals with feeding the humans it can get a little out of control. Those are the days when I want to feed everyone Ramen and watch Leave it to Beaver reruns. That is confession #1.

I have lots of things I could confess but after going through the long mental list I decided only to share a few--the most innocent ones which won't shatter my image. (My image of what? Pony tail, old college sweatshirt wearing, chip and salsa eating, loopy and out of sorts crazy woman?)
Confession #2: I have a dinner to go to tomorrow night. It's somewhat formal and this is what I'm supposed to wear:

I picked and cut out this dress pattern weeks ago with the best intentions. Those being I liked the waist and the scarf like belt to hide my on-again relationship with bloating (I don't evah know why--pass me more of those chips and salsa). I guess I will squeeze into my too tight black unitard thing and wear the black dress again. My belly will hurt from sucking in all night, when I get home and aerobically get out of the unitard thing it will make a noise similar to that of schlooping a canned ham out onto the pan.

Confession #3: I like puzzles. Actually, as a family we enjoy puzzles. We have some of our best conversations over a puzzle. The trouble is we start them at absurd times in absurd places. But it is relaxing. It is also laziness at its best. It is nonproductive and only encourages procrastination. This is why I haven't made my dress this week. Last week it was from a beautiful beach scene.

I guess that is only the half of it. I seem to enjoy collecting puzzles, but have never consciously called it a collection. Maybe being honest with this will help:

It probably won't help. These are just Wysocki puzzles, there is another closet full of all different kinds. I tend to rant in each house we live in there is no closet space. Will there ever be? Coincidentally this is also reason number 55 on my list of why I make a bad military wife. In my defense I buy many while thrifting...that makes it okay, right?

Monday, February 9, 2009

I Heart Valentine's Day

Each February was thrilling in elementary school. The anticipation of writing out cards and who gets which ones. I actually remember being in kindergarten and wanting to give the card with the best heart on it to a boy named Clayton. I was sick the day of the party and shed tears. I remember my mother giving me new paper doll book to boost my spirits. I still have those paper dolls, she was called Jean Jeans. As a mother I realize what a tender gesture that was as she had to sit and spend her afternoon cutting them out for me. Having six children I am certain she had a long to-do list but never let on. I think I must be her favorite child. Yeah...yeah, now that I have thought about it, I'm sure of it. I am her favorite. (A joke!)

This is a shelf I keep in my bedroom, changing it around when I get tired of staring at it from my bed. The Valentine's are from my Mom. I wonder if she used her favorites and these are the leftovers. I love them even if they didn't make the cut for Clarence, Norman, or any other so-weird-it's-cute name. Seriously, can you imagine cooing "Norman" to your beautiful baby???!!I have always loved thinking about names. It was one of my favorite ways to zone out in college, thinking about what my children would be named. I am not certain I will have anymore children but I still think about naming them. Today I would name them Beatrice or William. What about you? What are your favorite names?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

cooking with my friend, Holly

Here's to hoping you're cookin' up some fun this weekend.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

H is for Bubs

I bought this H on clearance at Marshall's a while ago. I bought it for Henry, even though it's girly. They are fun to paint or cover with craft paper. I would have given it to Hadley but her room is not in need of another knick knack, if you know what I mean. I like these letters better than anyone else in this House-- I'm not sure why. I once hung M and H above the girls beds years ago but mysteriously they Have disappeared. If you find enough to write Love or Home, they would be fun to glitter for Valentine's Day. It's simple enough to get your Hands dirty and temporarily quench your crafters addiction when time is Hurrying by. Story of my life!

Lavender Dreamer...these are the books!

Monday, February 2, 2009

rusty scissors

I did one of those deep breathing sighs when I received a postcard in the mail telling me Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion magazine will no longer be published. The kind of sigh you do when you whack your shin but don't have time to let yourself feel that it hurts. I loved this magazine, it wasn't just about Mary and her artwork but an inspirational boost for all types of art, decorating and even some wonderful recipes. I will miss it. And so will my scissors...we make a date every few months to sit and clip. Snip, snip snip....sigh.

PS Sorry my pictures stink lately. It's a combination of me and my lack of photography skills and taking pictures while riding my unicycle.