Friday, December 5, 2008

Cold Days, Warm Nights

Winding down from evening to night is feeling very magical. I love the soft Christmas lights, the smells of supper simmering on the stove. The house feels warm and comforting. This holiday has been the last step in making our house a home. It is a good feeling.

When I walk through my house this very evening I see:

The Christmas balls Henry lovingly placed on the bottom two branches of the tree. All clustered. In a group. This was after upon hearing the words Christmas BALLS he threw two glass ones against the mantle. I shall not refer to them as balls anymore.

Crotchety old Peter slumbering away. I love this cat dearly even though he can be a grumpy oaf. I have been making excuses for his bad behavior for nearly a dozen years.

Someone who doesn't really know what a candy cane is but knows they make a neat click noise when you bend them in two.

Sam and Molly reading "The Jolly Christmas Postman" all snuggled in the chair I moved yesterday. Really they were. They are enough years apart their rivalry is minimal. But this isn't the case for all the kids! The oldest two girls have set the bar high for ninny fights, the other kids know they don't have a chance!

I hope wherever you are your evenings are feeling magical, too.


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh, your Christmas 'ornaments' are beautiful! And the BOOK....I've got to look for that one! I still love to read children's books and always will!

Maria Rose said...

Lovely! You blog made me feel all warm and Christmasy.