He's turning this many.
He's really cute and charming and sweet. He likes cookies and his baseball hat.
He also likes to carry the toilet plunger and eat crayons.
Give up?
It's Bubby.
the common good in the ordinary day
He's turning this many.
He's really cute and charming and sweet. He likes cookies and his baseball hat.
He also likes to carry the toilet plunger and eat crayons.
Give up?
It's Bubby.
Posted by Freckled Hen at 8:35 AM 1 comments
From our table to yours, wishing you a day filled with the love and warmth of those you cherish.
To my lovely extended family, it is you I hold closest...I miss you each and everyone!
Posted by Freckled Hen at 10:26 AM 1 comments
Posted by Freckled Hen at 8:42 AM 1 comments
Labels: sewing
So very cute. This is why he gets powder in the morning. He is a pretty rough fellow, he loves dirt (like, to eat it, roll in it and stuff it in his pockets--he is learning horse manure is not dirt made into cute little rectangles) So you can see why the powder thing is hard to stop. Will it still be cute when he is 14?
Today he was joyous when I put that oatmeal bowl in front of him like one of the big kids. He holds a spoon well and it is time to let him grow up a bit. But not too much. Just the teeniest little smidge. He must be cuddled and kissed, his hair tussled and his piggies tickled until he chortle laughs from the depths of his belly.
He made a huge mess.
Posted by Freckled Hen at 6:19 AM 1 comments
Bonnie Bonnet has been keeping my hands busy lately. Christmas projects keep creeping their way into my mind. I like this idle time before Thanksgiving, at least for a week or so I feel ahead of things. I can sit and ponder who gets what and what to bake for the neighbors. I stitch with little worries. But then all of a sudden I realize I forgot the bus driver and my husband's secretary and I scramble around with the rest of the crowds frenzied with boxes of chocolates and sparkly bows. It always happens. I suppose this is the fun part of Christmas. The spirit, the giving, the sudden bursts of peace on earth. I love it all so much. Aren't the best trips to the store last minute with your van filled with sugar hyper kids? Yes, there's stress but there's also a knitted winter mitten clasped in your hand and twinkle lights to oohh and aahh over on the way home. I never want to take for granted my home filled with love and kids.
Posted by Freckled Hen at 12:14 PM 2 comments
Posted by Freckled Hen at 4:53 AM 1 comments
Posted by Freckled Hen at 9:51 AM 3 comments
Reading about the pioneers trekking across America during my childhood always created visions of campfires surrounded by fiddle playing and dancing around in calico dresses. And who doesn't think a sun bonnet is the sweetest thing ever? I always wanted to think I was strong enough to be a pioneer, I would pack up the wagon ship shape and be so efficient making my handsome husband proud. I would brew tea in a fine china tea pot during our rest stops and whip up a fresh batch of scones in a jiffy, with wild berries of course.
The Crock Pot. What a gift! I love the way it smells as it cooks all day (that is when you remember to plug it in which I have had the pleasure of discovering I forgot--twice actually). Today's recipe is here. I haven't made it before but it smells great.
The sewing machine. Ahhh let us all think of our ancestors who sat and hand stitched for hours and hours. They never got to hear their children yell "GO MAMA" as she floored the pedal. Bubby boy does this and though it is oh so cute I can't help but furrow my brow and wonder what kind of driver he will be.
Posted by Freckled Hen at 12:37 PM 1 comments
Posted by Freckled Hen at 11:11 AM 2 comments
Posted by Freckled Hen at 10:26 AM 1 comments
Labels: sewing
Posted by Freckled Hen at 12:39 PM 1 comments
It hurts when he is away. It makes me question why we put ourselves through this. This is where his selfless service comes in. I don't understand much of what is going on in our world. I Suppose not many do. I would surely complain way more than Ken. He embraces his family, his service. He is my hero.
Posted by Freckled Hen at 6:02 AM 1 comments
Posted by Freckled Hen at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Today was perfect for leaf crunching.
Posted by Freckled Hen at 10:04 AM 1 comments
Posted by Freckled Hen at 7:53 AM 1 comments
Posted by Freckled Hen at 7:44 AM 2 comments